

A running injury leads to a new career and a whole new outlook on health.

This is his story.

Mitch Hero

An unexpected injury

Mitch was a dedicated runner, which kept him fit for his physically demanding job as a lineman for the local power company. But then he tore a ligament in his leg, a severe injury that required him to go on short-term disability.

Mitch Injury

Unexpected support

Mitch knew his recovery would take time. He contacted Workpartners’ dedicated disability specialist, who made sure his documentation was in order, followed up with his providers to ensure he was receiving the proper care, and connected him with a rehabilitation center close to his house.

Our absence management program can make your workforce thrive.
Mitch Support
Mitch Change

Thriving through change

Concerned about losing his income, Mitch wanted to get back to work but could not yet resume his position. Mitch was happy to hear that Workpartners was able to work with his employer to find a temporary work accommodation, allowing him to develop new skills and take advantage of his years of experience with a new role in the power company. This allowed him to maintain his income and keep him engaged in the workplace.

New job, new habits

Back to work at his new desk job, Mitch connected with a health coach to help him get active again and adapt to this new lifestyle. His coach recommended healthier food options and encouraged Mitch to take up cycling. He also engaged in the EAP services available to him to help manage the uncertainty of a new role.

Mitch New Habits


Because of Workpartners’ programs and services, an injury that might have led to the loss of an experienced employee instead turned into an opportunity. Mitch returned to work sooner than expected, reducing disability cost. He transitioned into a new job, eliminating the need to hire and train a new employee. And the services and resources his company provided showed Mitch how much the organization values him.

Mitch Activated

Workpartners’ integrated human capital services improve engagement while reducing costs.


With over 98 percent retention, we’ve provided our clients absence services for more than 20 years. Make sure your employees and your business are safe when the unexpected happens—and save time and money by letting Workpartners handle all the time-consuming administration work.

Learn more about our absence programs


Employee assistance programs provide your employees with targeted resources to keep them activated through all of life’s challenges. Align your company’s business needs and the needs of your individual employees and managers today!

Learn how we help your employees connect to EAP solutions

Health Coaches

Our health coaching programs help employees overcome barriers so they can make lifestyle changes that last. Our assessment and screening tools provide valuable information about employees’ health and identify potential health risk factors.

Learn about health coaching

Next Story


A change to a federal law put this company in an unstable financial situation. Our analytics, combined with targeted intervention, helped it to financially thrive.

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Cma Next

Our integrated, person-centric data helps you understand the challenges of your people and connect them to proven clinical programs. In fact, it’s our specialty.