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Denise Hughes
UPMC Health Plan
PITTSBURGH (April 25, 2022) – Workpartners®, a people activation company specializing in helping employers create vibrant workplaces, today announced that new upgrades to its user-friendly O|BI analytics online tool will deliver unprecedented opportunities for employers to look holistically at employee health care data and optimize benefit management and delivery.
O|BI works with company’s existing technology platforms to examine key performance indicators and trends across an organization’s benefits programs. Traditional integrated services only look at medical and pharmacy claims, but O|BI also integrates analyses of absence, disability, well-being, compensation, and safety risk programs to develop comprehensive, highly customized opportunities for employers to improve benefits, support employees and control costs
“’People analytics’ are a must-have for today’s employers to manage complexity and support their workforces. Workpartners may be one of the only companies that has the sophistication to analyze data in a truly integrated way and present customized, optimal health benefits, management and planning recommendations for each employer,” said David Weir, President, Workpartners. “Our cutting-edge, user-friendly tools put your data to work to enable both the employee and the company to thrive,” said Workpartners President, David Weir.
“Workpartners helps us by looking at our data holistically and taking a predictive approach to the analysis, helping us get ahead of risk by taking a world of siloed data and creating predictive models,” said Louis Gallucci, Vice President, Insurance Office of America. “Without Workpartners, we would be flying blind in a lot of ways.”
Companies interested in learning more about O|BI and Workpartners’ people activation-focused approach to human capital resource management can visit or call 866-229-3507.
About Workpartners
Workpartners, The People Activation Company, is part of UPMC. We address human capital challenges with a holistic approach, integrating products and services such as leave and disability, employee assistance, benefits administration, on-site services, and health and wellness services. Our data analytics capabilities share critical insights to employers, converting data into actionable intelligence at an individual employee level. Powered by robust predictive analytics, clinical excellence, and progressive thought leadership, Workpartners delivers people-centric human capital management strategies. Workpartners is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, with offices and people around the United States, and serves high-performance organizations in more than 200 industry verticals across the country. For more information, visit