One year after the antisemitic attack at Tree of Life, the community continues to mourn the loved ones they lost on October 27, 2018, as three Pittsburgh congregations gathered to worship and celebrate at Shabbat services. Those who lost loved ones, those who survived, the first responders, and the community as a whole will never forget that day.
24/7 continuing support
Every day, community members affected by the attack understandably struggle with feelings of anger, loss, sadness, and frustration. The community has grown emotionally and spiritually over the past year, but the need for support and healing remains.
That’s why we’re still offering free support to anyone affected. If you or someone you know needs help healing, please call Life Solutions at 1-800-647-3327. You can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to speak with a professional who will listen and offer the support you need.
Coming together
On that day one year ago—and in the days and months that followed—people of all backgrounds, faiths, and nationalities offered a tremendous outpouring of support. Thousands came together for interfaith vigils and rallies in Pittsburgh, across the nation, and around the world.
People of different faiths also launched fundraising efforts to help fulfill the community’s needs, including repairs to the synagogue. Although the Tree of Life Fund for Victims and Families remains closed, you can still donate to the affected synagogues.
In honor of those whose lives were taken, please show your support by honoring and remembering them, too. The Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha, New Light, and Dor Hadash congregations all suffered great losses that day.
Honoring their memories
The City of Pittsburgh has declared October 27 as “Remember Repair Together Day” in perpetuity to honor those whose lives were taken.
- Joyce Fienberg—Yiddis Bultcha bat Aba Menachem
- Richard Gottfried—Yosef Ben Hyman
- Rose Mallinger—Raizel bas Avrohom
- Jerry Rabinowitz—Yehudah Ben Yechezkel
- Cecil Rosenthal—Chaim Ben Eliezer
- David Rosenthal—Dovid Ben Eliezer
- Bernice Simon—Beila Rochel bas Moshe
- Sylvan Simon—Zalman Shachna Ben Menachem Mendel
- Dan Stein—Daniel Avrom ben Baruch
- Mel Wax—Moshe Gadol Ben Yosef
- Irving Younger—Yitzchok Chaim ben Menachem